Networking Security

VLANs for home networks

Home networks are becoming increasingly complex, and security threats as well. Once they were used mostly for personal communications, and entertainment. Now work at home, home automation, and more and more complex tasks performed online at different security levels make simple flat networks inadequate, especially form a security perspective. Does it really make sense that […]


Scheduling firewall rules on DrayTek Vigor 165

One interesting feature of the DrayTek Vigor 165 is the ability to schedule firewall rules, rules can be enabled and disabled using the router’s scheduler. For examples some clients can be forbidden Internet access at a given time. Combined with other types of filters, like URL filters, it can also be used to let users […]


DrayTek Vigor 165 firewall setup

How to configure DrayTek Vigor 165 firewall with strict security and separate filters for inbound and outbound traffic.