
Alla larga dalle “piramidi” – il caso TelexFree

La crisi economica degli ultimi anni ha portato, tra tanti problemi, anche al moltiplicarsi di “offerte di lavoro online” che promettono guadagni facili ma in realtà nascondo catene di sant’Antonio, chiamate anche “schemi piramidali” o “schema Ponzi” La differenza fra uno schema piramidale e uno schema Ponzi è che il secondo è “diretto”, esiste un […]

Software development

Why you should use the App Paths registry key

Today François Piette has written about “Path issue when having installed a lot of software“: Windows is having some trouble with very long path environment variable, even in Windows 7. This is true. Although starting from Vista the environment block size is unlimited (environment variables are kept in a process environment, and each process gets a copy of […]

Software development

Why learning the sysadmin job may make you a better developer

Many developers learnt first to code on isolated machines – DOS ones if they are old enough – or within simple networks. DOS was a single process, single thread environment, almost always on isolated machines. Maybe a modem to connect to a BBS, LAN were much rarer. That meant developers had little to care about “the environment” their […]


Is the PC dead? No. But someone would like to murder it.

Many “news” about the imminent death of PC are appearing around despite its 30th birthday, replaced by smartphones and tablets. What’s true in that? Let’s look for a moment at the past history, and the personal computer revolutions. Before that there was centralized systems from which you could rent some processing time and highly proprietary systems using […]


Sandon Utensileria 75th anniversary

On April 10th, 2011, Sandon Utensileria, the company established by my grandfather, Francesco Sandon, and his brother Luigi (later joined by the other two brothers, Felice and Fausto), celebrates its 75th anniversary of uninterrupted activity, even when WWII swept across Milano the warehouse was moved in a hayloft outside the city, and orders were dispatched […]

Software development

Inno Setup library to manage Windows services

An InnoSetup 5.x library to control services. It gives access to the Service Control Manager functions to query/start/stop/install/uninstall services, and implements some higher level functions (simpleXXXX) to perform standard tasks easily. ANSI version Unicode version Zip file with both versions NB: ANSI version won’t work with the Unicode version of Inno Setup. I didn’t test […]

Delphi Software development

Why Datasnap 2010 is a toy library

To this StackOverflow question, I simply answered to forget D2010 Datasnap because IMHO it is only half-backed and lacks several needed features and is not flexible. Two people commented my answer was not helpful, and wrote Datasnap is absolutely flexible (later one comment was withdrawn). I am going to explain in details why the “new” Datasnap is not […]


Visiting CERN

On December 8th, a holiday in Italy, we woke up early in Geneva to visit the CERN centre.  After a rainy day spent visiting Geneva, the Moon was shining in the sky, telling us that beside some remaining clouds, it was going to be a sunny day. The CERN laboratories are nearby Geneva airport, just outside the city, and […]

Delphi Software development

Making Delphi work with DCOM

In the past few days I had many troubles making our application work when the client was installed on a PC outside the application domain. It was due to several Delphi 2007 issues with DCOM. Usually, when a user was outside a domain we used TSocketConnection and the “Borland” Socket Server to establish the connection. “Outside” the domain usually […]


DCOM callbacks and “Simple file sharing”

In the past days I hit another DCOM issue: callbacks do not work if “Simple file sharing” is enabled (Settings → Control Panel → Folder Options → View). That’s because the full name of that option is “Simple file sharing and ForceGuest“. When enabled, Windows will ignore incoming calls credentials and will authenticate everybody as “guests”. And of […]