Networking Security

DNS for home networks

In very simple terms, a Domain Name Service (DNS), is a service that turns specific network names (host names, service names) into IP addresses. It allows to use mnemonic names ( instead of IP addresses ( accessing internal network resources. There are several advantages in using DNS names instead of IP addresses directly: One simple […]

Networking Security

VLANs for home networks

Home networks are becoming increasingly complex, and security threats as well. Once they were used mostly for personal communications, and entertainment. Now work at home, home automation, and more and more complex tasks performed online at different security levels make simple flat networks inadequate, especially form a security perspective. Does it really make sense that […]

Networking Security Software development

Manage your own PKI with XCA

Protecting connections with TLS requires the proper certificate/private key pairs, that need to be issued by a trusted Certificate Authority. You can buy certificates form several public CAs, or obtain free ones form entities like Let’s Encrypt. Sometimes you may need your own private CA and certificates for systems that do not need to be […]