I’ve bought a Logitech STX QuickCam Communicate STX webcam – nothing sophisticated – just needed a simple, good quality webcam to be used in Skype chats. But after installing the camera, the audio in Flight Simulator X was no longer working correctly. Unluckily that camera comes with a built-in microphone, and the usual installer made for […]
Author: ldsandon
Yesterday on the Italian Delphi newsgroup run by Marco Cantù, Delphi&Dintorni, appeared a post asking how to load BPLs without writing them in the system directory or in the application directory. I suggested to use the “App paths” registry key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths], but while looking for a reference for its proper use I didn’t find a […]
Windows Vista changed the way it shutdowns. Developer should be aware of this change. Read at http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms700677.aspx the rationale behind it: “If you take only one thing away from reading this topic, it should be this one. You will be presenting the best experience to your users if your application does not block shutdown. When users initiate shutdown, […]
A while ago, I had a discussion on a newsgroup about the reasons a programmer should call the correct API even if the same information were available elsewhere, in that case it was the paths of some special Windows folders, like Document & Settings or Program files. It was impossible to convince some programmers that […]
Microsoft didn’t include the WinHelp32 application in Windows Vista. The official reason is its code does not meet Vista standards. Later it has been made available as a separate download (probably to avoid a lot of users complains!), anyway developers “are encouraged to transition their Help experience to an alternative Help file format, such as .chm, […]